Rules Changes, New Optional Rules, and Chinese Translation

I'm very touched and grateful after reading everyone's awesome playthroughs on Plurk. If not for the players over on Plurk, I would not have come up with these new optional rules or the translated version of the game. I also see you, the kind person on Reddit. Thank you for the kind words, and I am so touched that this game made it to your top solo game list. I hope you will get to read those wonderful playthroughs on Plurk.

Here is the list of updates:

  1. Bad End: After reading everyone's playthroughs, the rolling for the BE day rule seemed quite confusing and clunky. I've made changes to follow how the players play the game. Instead of rolling an additional die for each subsequent roll after the first roll, now you just roll 1d6 and add the result to the most recent BE.
  2. Epilogue: Additional Epilogues related to the Villainess' attributes. This also relates to the new optional rules.
  3. Optional Rules (Special thanks to kiwinojam and nanamaru):
    1. Hearts: Added new -3 Hearts and 15 Hearts Dates and rewards.
    2. Time Travel: Added a time travel mechanic so you can replay the same setting even if you didn't survive the whole 30 days.
    3. New Love Interests: Optional rules for how to generate new LIs and explain how Dates work with new LIs.
  4. Other:
    1. Made it clear when does a BE occur (after any Dates but before your daily Scenario)
    2. Added new rules regarding what happens if a character related to the BE dies before the BE is resolved.
    3. Added 3 Hearts to a new Twin LI
    4. Added a set of extra Scenarios
    5. Minor changes to Date events
  5. Chinese Translated Version: Translated the entire game into Traditional Chinese.


看到大家在 Plurk 上精彩的過程讓我非常開心和感動,這是我第一次讀到玩家的過程,而第一次的過程就讓我看到你們這麽厲害的創作真的是讓我十分驚喜。因爲你們,我才有擴充和翻譯遊戲的動力。因爲Plurk 上的 kiwinojam 與 奈奈丸,我才有15心和重生規則的點子。真的非常感激。然後也要感謝翻譯過遊戲的各位和製作角色卡的大大。


  1. 壞結局: 在閱讀了大家的遊戲過程後,發現關於BE日期的擲骰規則比較不好理解和混亂。我已經作出修改,應該沒有影響大家現在的遊戲方式。舊的規則為每一次擲骰決定BE日期時額外多加一個骰子。現在改為只擲 1d6,然後將結果加到最近的 BE 上。
  2. 大結局:增加了與惡役屬性相關的額外結局。這也有機會涉及新的可選規則。 
  3. 可選規則
    1. 心數:新增了 -3 顆心和 15 顆心的約會和獎勵
    2. 重生:新增了重生機制,即使你沒能存活 30 天,你也可以繼續遊戲(雖然不見得重生一定是一件好事……)
  4. 其他: 
    1. 明確寫上BE 發生的時間(約會後,情景前)
    2. 新增關於如果在 BE 解決之前,與 BE 有關的角色身亡時會發生什麼的新規則
    3. 加上新的雙胞胎 LI 會是 3 顆心
    4. 新增可替代情境
    5. 對10心約會作了微小的修改
    6. 解釋了與新 LIs 約會相關的規則


Reincarnated as the Unlovable Villainess.pdf 730 kB
69 days ago
Reincarnated as the Unlovable Villainess_traditional_chinese.pdf 827 kB
69 days ago

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