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Hello! I wanted to ask, do you roll the dice according to attribute ONLY when you roll the same scenario again, or do you do it for all scenarios? Also it's written that 

"When you reach 1, 3, 6, and 10 Hearts for the first time in a playthrough, you will have a Date event with that LI. After the date, you will gain a one time reward if reaching 1, 3, and 6 Hearts, and a permanent reward if reaching 10 Hearts. "
I didn't understand this part, it would be great if you could explain it a bit more. Thank you ^^

I'm in love with this! I just have one doubt about the Bad Ending counter, when the counter for the first bad ending reaches zero, do we start on the next BE counter (BE2) on the next day, or only after we reach the date of the BE1? Me and my friend got confused at this bc we each understood one thing haha

(1 edit)

Hi! So you can always choose any BE to lower or up the counter after you roll. So I guess in this case, it doesn't matter!

Oh I see, thank you!!


Love the genre and LOVE the Chinese translation! (Especially that it's in Traditional Chinese; easier for me to read!) This is a brilliant idea and I can't wait to try out all the settings!


Been playing this with a bunch of friends and we are having so much fun. Love how robust all the tables are, especially the scenarios. I also appreciate how much variation there is in the tables for each playset. Such a good game!

My villainess in the wuxia setting just got force-fed poison by an LI on a date 😂

I made a Google doc template to keep track of stats and journal all in the same place.


Sorry! I thought I replied to you already 😭Thanks for playing the game! I can only write Traditional Chinese so that's usually the one I pick if I only make one Chinese translated work haha (though computer makes it easy to just change it).

Thanks for making the Google doc! I'd love to have it in the description of it's ok. 

Also, being force-fed poison sounds like a typical date for our villainess 💀 What a romantic way to strengthen the relationship.

Yep! Feel free to include the doc in the description! I hope this will get more people playing 😈 I need more people to play this game!!


Otome Villainess Reincarnations are one of my favorite sub-subgenre genres. I'm looking forward to playing this, and in preparation, I've made some edits to FangzV's spreadsheet.


I hope you enjoy playing the game! I love reincarnation stories especially the villainess ones as well haha. Can I add your spreadsheet alongside FangzV's spreadsheet as well in the description?


Feel free, and thanks for making the game. It was a blast.

I didn't think my villainess would survive, with the endings rolling so close to each other, but the date bonuses and one conveniently timed character death had her just barely scrape by. Choosing when to apply the bonuses, if they made narrative sense, added more tension then I expected.

I had a lot of deaths. Penelope and a LI got the "turned into supernatural being" scenario. So, vampires, while protecting the refugee quarters from strays attacks from the eternal underwar. Another LI had the "dying" date secret, followed up with the "wants you to end them" date secret, and then the "duel" scenario. With one extra LI from the "secret twin" date secret, I had a full 3/6: 50% of the cast die.

After Penelope died, I rerolled any events that implied her still being alive, but what have others done?

Oh wow your game seems to have a lot of twists and turns. It reads so much like a fun supernatural fiction. The most death I got was just 1 so far which for several games it's always the Protagonist. My villainess also always happened to die almost right away so I didn't need to make any changes, but I think rerolling sounds right for the event. I guess I should've ordered the extra scenarios better so maybe if prompt 5 is about Penelope, extra scenario prompt 5 should not be about Penelope.

(4 edits) (+1)

I've just tried playing this game, and it's great! I've really enjoyed it. It's so fun, and the prompts create such unexpected and fun combinations!

The highlight of my game was when a demon (love interest) invited my angel character to a date in the Underworld and said that he wants her to become a fallen angel to be together.

I ended up playing for ~4 or ~5 hours, and I've written 24 A5 pages.

Thanks for the game, it's great!


I'm glad you had fun! And I immediately ship them just with the highlight. What a perfect secret for the characters and the location 🔥


Today I decided to run 1 DM 1 player one shot with your rpg system similar to how this channel does 1 DM 1 player

My friend ended up rolling really great for days and ended up his last day event 23 and with each scenario roll he kept getting lucky critical success (his attribute was 5 lore 1 love) and took many advantages to heart reward which got him to decrease so many of bad ending counters lol

On last day of 23 when he made it he also triggered protagonist 10 heart Love Interest ( she was added mid session due to scenario or some sort) and ended up giving him the biggest plot twist secret of all time. Which was she was also isekaied into the world as he was

It was really fun to see and witness and it felt like post credit anime ed with that twist if that makes sense lol


Oh wow that sounds really fun! I've never thought about playing it as a 1 DM 1 player game. And your friend had some great strategy and luck lol

The plot twist is wild and I love that it's the protagonist that got that. It really do feel like a post credit scene that get us like: ohhh so that's why she did this and that. Also sounds like its teasing for a new season lol

(4 edits) (+1)

Enjoyed playing this again! This game is always great when I'm in a creative rut.

I've been tinkering with the digital sheet I personally use, and while it's not in the nicest condition to be copied I figured I'd share it in case anyone finds use in it:

I use it to track the numbers and profiles while I have a separate document to actually journal.

Meanwhile, I have a few more fringe questions I wound up with in my last playthroughs!

  • Does Heart 10's #6 (extra counter decrease) apply for crit successes? Also, if you get it twice, does it stack or should you reroll?
  • Does the bonus for Heart 15 happen immediately, or do you choose when to use it? 
  • Do you play any dates or scenarios on Day 30, or does the game end at the top of the round? More for those last minute affection levels.

Omg that looks so nice! Would you mind if I have the link of the spreadsheet listed in the description?

1) It does. It includes crit successes and normal successes as well. Also, if you get it twice you can stack it. But I didn't use a number list for the options with the intention of having people roll. So if you like, you can pick another option or reroll!

2) You can choose when to use both -3 and 15 Hearts reward whenever you want. You don't have to use it if you don't want to!

3) The game ends at the end of Day 30. Of course, you can end it early or later if you like. I'd personally have an extra half Day 31 if I manage to get a date just for fun.

Thank you!! I'm glad to hear you like it. If you really think it's worth listing, by all means! I've tried to clean it up a bit to make it more copiable and explain how to use it if anyone wants to.

Thank you for all the answers!!


i have just downloaded the first of the games & have read through the documents a few times now. Maybe i've misread something but i'm a little confused. what are the mechanics behind the backgrounds or relationships w Penelope tht someone chooses? while i understand why the scenarios r kept kinda vague & i likely just need to start playing to fully understand them how do i determine if my background helps or hinders? have you considered constructing a character sheet document for players to print & then refer to?

im sorry if that's too many questions or if the answer is obvious, i'm just a curious bean & this game is so intriguing tht I'm going to start playing it anyway without waiting for a reply. I'll likely see the answers to my questions through the act of playing the game :)

Hi! So for the backgrounds (I'm assuming is the player character's role and background), as long as how you resolved it is related to one of them, it'll give you an advantage (an extra 1d6). Whether it helps or hinders you can be determined by the result of the roll and your own story. For example, let's say in this game, the PC is a princess and a mage, and the scenario is an LI enters your room at night, injured, if I "heal the LI using magic", then I get a +1d6 because how I resolved it is related to my PC's role; if I "call my personal guards to kick them out", then I get a +1d6 because how I resolved it is related to my PC's background; if I patch the LI up myself by tearing up a blanket, I don't get any extra dice.

Let's say it is still the same scenario. If you fail a roll, you can see that as your backgrounds have hindered you depending on the kind of story you want. 

Using I "heal the LI using magic" as an example. If I've succeeded in this roll, perhaps the PC's magic performs well, healing the LI without issue. If I've failed this roll, perhaps the magic backfired, harming the LI even more; or the type of magic the PC used is outlawed, casting suspicion on myself.

At the same time, you don't have to necessarily make your background a huge deal when resolving the roll. Again, using the same scenario and I "heal the LI using magic" as an example, succeeding in a roll with your Love attribute could just mean the PC being worried and scolding the LI while healing them with magic comes off as endearing to this LI. If the roll is a fail, it could mean the PC's light scolding comes off as rude and inconsiderate, even if the magical healing works without issue. In these two cases, while the PC's role is involved in the rolling, giving the player an advantage, it does not affect the success or failure of that specific scenario narratively.

As for the relationship with Penelope, it doesn't have any mechanics behind it. It's just there to give you some insights as to what the character dynamic is like. You are free to choose any and free to bring it up whenever you like in the story. If you don't like any of the provided ones, you can create your own relationship as well.

As for character sheet, do you mean like a blank document for recording all the characters? I do want to create one if that's what you're referring to, seeing how there's quite a number of characters. I'll see what's the best way to make one.

I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you need any clarification or I've gotten something wrong regarding your questions!


no you're amazing for this answer!! this cleared it up so well for me! i haven't done much solo ttrpg stuff so i'm very excited abt this especially bc i love these kinds of stories lol

yeah i was thinking of a blank document where one can keep track of the different characters! i've been formatting something like tht into the notebook i've found & i'm just a visual person when it comes to tracking chracter stuff so i find it helpful!

thank you again for such a thoughtful answer!

Glad that helps. I hope you'll love all the solo stuff out there cause a lot of them are so fun and interesting!

(1 edit)

Hello, I'm a first time player and I had a question about BE. When you successful resolve the event or critical succeed you subtract 1/2 from your BE. Does the BE stop decreasing at 0 or does it go into negative digits?


The BE counter for the first BE is 2. Day 1 you roll a minor success -1 to the BE counter. Day 2 you roll a major success -2 to the BE counter.

Now BE1 is conquered but you have an unused point. Is it applied to BE2 or is it lost as unusable?

Hi! It stop decreasing at 0. And it is lost and cannot be used for another Bad Ending.

Thank you for the clarification! 🩵

Currently doing setup for my first run, and there is a question that I need clarification; there are 6 bad endings, you roll 2d6 to see what day those bad endings will be, for the first one, 2d6 if say landed 5 and 6, you are meant to addition/add together so the day of first bad ending is 11 right? And then for second and rest of them we use only 1d6 after day 11 yeah?

One last question: on how to play section "Then, resolve the scene by rolling 1d6. Roll +1d if your way to resolve this challenge is related to your role or background" 

That +1d meant to say +1d6 correct?

Otherwise I should be all good to give it a shot


First question: That is true! The second BE will be 11 + 1d6, and the third BE will be the second BE + 1d6 etc.

Second question: Yes. The +1d is roll an additional d6 and pick the best result.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the updates! I played multiple runs before the updates and had a blast. Can't wait to use the new rules and settings!

Yay! I hope you'll find the new rules and settings fun to play with as well :D


This is a really great game! Thank you so much for making this available to all of us.

Lovely novel ideas.

Thank you for the comment! I hope you have great fun playing the game.

I love this game! The concept is very original and I really like the execution. When I first died, my reaction was delight because I could properly envision the bad ending I had made, haha.

Thank you so much! When I played it, I also liked getting the bad ends cause it was fun to write out what happened. 

Hi! I just found your game and got my characters set up, but there is something that is unclear to me and doesn’t seem to be mentioned in the rules at all. On page 6, what is the Character - Goal and Focus table for? Is it for the Villainess? The other characters? In what situation(s) is it used?

Thanks! I can’t wait to get this game started!


This is an optional tables for LI, protagonist or other npcs. It's used only if you want some inspirations for answering the prompts.

Hi! I started playing this awhile ago and I'm enjoying it! I just have a question, what are they ways to increase the attributes? Is it only increasable when you reached 10 hearts with an LI or are there other ways? 

You are right, reaching 10 hearts is the only way!

i cant download it :(

Which file you are unable to download? If you are still unable to download it, I can maybe send you the file through email or discord?

Just the concept alone has me hooked. I haven't gotten far into my first play-through, but it's so much fun!

Thanks! I'm glad you like the game. I hope your villain is going to survive till Day 30!

This is perfect

Thank you for the comment. It means a lot to me.

EXACTLY what I was looking for

I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you.


This is absolutely lovely. Thank you so much for this!

Thank you for saying that!!

Hi, I've been playing the game and enjoying it so far. I'm amazed at how accurately it simulates the feeling of playing an otome game. Just a few things:

1) There's a typo on the 4th page; 2nd sentence of the 2nd scenario, "wnho is this?" 

2) Also, the epilogue implies you can increase attributes, but I'm a bit confused how you do that?

Very excited to play with the new rules!

Hi! I'm glad you are enjoying the game! Thank you for pointing out the typo. I'll make a change now.

As for increasing attributes, you can choose to increase your lowest attribute by 1 when a Love Interest's Hearts reach 10 Hearts for the first time. However, to have the combined attributes become higher than 10, you will have to play with the new optional Time Travel rule, as you can retain your attributes even when you time travel back in time. 

Please let me know if you have any questions! Or the rules are unclear!!


Thank you for providing such an interesting system setup! Playing as a villain is really fun. When I tried playing, the BE dramatically happened on the second day! She just died again and now she's starting her second life XD

Additionally, may I translate it into Chinese and share it with my friends? I will include a link to the original post.

I apologize if there are any mistakes in my message due to using machine translation.

I look forward to your reply and thank you again!

Oh sorry! I didn't see the message until now. And I love that she died the next day /j

And of course you are welcome to do so! I love seeing translation so much!!

 Thank you so much!🥰

(2 edits)

Really enjoying this. But when you get the twin secret, is there a recommendation for handling their starting heart level?

Also, on the day of the BE, does the BE occur at the start of the day or after scenario resolution?

EDIT: Sorry, one more question! I had misread the encounter table and now realize it's divided between 1-3 and 4-6, not by the Heart level. What roll does that correspond to? Or is it its own roll?


I'm sorry! I've been busy for the past few weeks 😭

1) Twin secret: When I was writing the game, I was thinking the new twin LI will start with having 3 Hearts.  So this new LI would not get a 1 Heart Date or a 3 Hearts Date

2) Bad Ending: The Bad Ending occurs at the start of the day. But if you have any Dates, the Dates event will take place first. I should clarify it in the rules 😅

3) Encounter Table: The encounter table is just it's own random roll. The Date Events table is optional though, just there to help spark some ideas. So you can actually just use it however you want!

Missing parts??

So I was reading through the Scenarios and I don't see anything that decides how to roll for the scenarios if I pass or fail. Plus I think some words got mistyped like "Then resolve the scene by rolling a 1d6. Roll +1D if your way to to resolve this challenge---" +1d what?? Imma try my best on my own but wanted to share that

Another 1d6. +1d typically means rolling an extra die.

Ah, thank you for clarifying that part

I'm sorry! I've been busy for the past few weeks 😭

I may have misunderstood the question, so please let me know if this isn't what you're asking! For Scenarios, you roll 1d20 to determine which Scenario you will face first. Then, you roll to determine if you pass or fail. You determine which attribute is related to this Scenario.

And yes, +1d means rolling an additional 1d6

I think I understand what your saying but to clarify, I CHOOSE the pass or fail roll for the scenarios???

Oh, you choose which Attribute you want to roll for the specific scenario. So for example, do you roll Love or Lore when a Love Interest publicly humiliates you? Roleplay how you're going to use that specific Attribute to react, then roll 1d6 and compare to the Attribute. So if you use Love and Love is sitting at 3, and you roll 2, then that's a success. You pass the Scenario.

I didn't understand what love or attribute is until this comment. 

I think it's really important for you if you have time to update "how to play" section to include that attribute means your Love and Lore and their example on when it's appropriate to use them on. It stumped me and even used keyword "attribute" to see if I was missing anything else

I'll find some time to update it later! Thanks for the comment!

(1 edit)

It seems like -1 and 1 got swapped on the Heart meter description?
I'm really looking forward to playing this!


Thanks for catching that! I've uploaded a new PDF that swapped the numbers back. Thank you again.

I love the system. The plot twists are fantastic. I am going for a full harem. Penelope the three LIs and countess (yes I do know that was not an option) May are going to be very happy together. <3 


Aw thanks! I love full harem and this is honestly why Penelope can be a Love Interest for the plot twist. And our Villainess can be whoever they want. We have no limit haha